Wednesday, October 2, 2013

First Upon the Field of War - a Battle Hymn by Grady Milligan

First upon the field of war
Far from safety His to claim
Stands my King with Sword in hand
Bold before the coming storm

Vast the loathsome darkness spreads
Strong in greed of godless men
Still, with purpose wavering not
Calls the King, His few to arms

As the tempest beats the shore
Flesh and steel with fervor clash
Countless fall or flee my Liege
Matchless is His wrath out-poured

Long the fires of battle rage
Drawing breath but few remain
Faint, I lend the Foe my guard
Swift he deals a crippling blow

Blood and hope, entwining, spill
Death, the fatal strike, prepares
Yet with devils still in hand
Did my King trade life for me

Piercing light consumes the ground
Justice, far too great to bear
Rising, evil thus destroyed
Victory, claims my glorious Lord!